Russ Heselden AFC Wildlife Artist
Oil on board (16" x 12"), framed. One of my garden Robins that was singing outside my study window each evening and could be sketched directly - very helpful!
Oil on board (16" x 12"), framed. Four birds on Pat's Pool at Cley NWT reserve in north Norfolk.
Oil on canvasboard (16" x 12"), unframed. From sketches made in Island Hide at Titchwell RSPB reserve in north Norfolk.
Oil on canvasboard (16" x 12"), unframed. A trio of Shorelarks on the beach at Holkham Bay, where the species is regular in winter.
Oil on paper, framed under glass.
Oil and gold leaf on board (16" x 12"), framed. Red Kites have recently colonised Norfolk (from reintroductions elsewhere in the country).
Available artwork
All of the artwork on this page is currently for sale; click on an individual image to find out about size, price and whether the painting is framed or unframed. Prices do not include postage and packing. Please contact me directly if you would like further information about any of the pieces shown here.